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(1) power resides where information resides (McCulloch,
see the PRINCIPLE OF REdundancy of potential command; (2) power
is the ability to limit choice. (Von Foerster in the mid
1960's), A does not have power over B unless A is able to
constrain a necessary transaction of B; (3) a power relationship
requires compliance (Maturana); (4) power is the consequence,
submission is the cause (von Foerster, 1983). (5) Indirect or
secondary exercise of power occurs when A constrains the
necessary transactions of C so C will constrain the necessary
transactions of B. A secondary boycott is an example. (6) Power
distorts information. Hence, the President, who needs to be well
informed, is often poorly informed because his power distorts the
information given to him. No adviser wants to be the bearer of
bad news or news which the President is thought not to want to
hear. Deliberate steps are required to achieve accurate
information. (7) If one accepts the idea that one is powerless,
then one feels justified in threatening those one defines as
powerful. However, the "powerful" usually feel threatened by the
"powerless" who invariably outnumber them. Threats by the
powerless against the powerful can make the powerful feel that
repression is necessary in order to preserve the safety of
themselves and their families.
URL= http://cleamc11.vub.ac.be/ASC/POWER.html