Parent Node(s):
the raw data of cybernetics; aspects, features,
qualities, attributes, properties. classifications; the
observables, distinguishables. States may be either unanalyzed
or analyzed; if the former, they may be represented by single
symbols; if the latter, they may be represented by compound
symbols or vectors. For those who demand that a state be a state
of something, we may redefine state as any aspect, feature, etc.,
of a NOMINAL entity, that may change without impairing the
identity of the nominal entity. This, in turn, requires that we
define a nominal entity as any object of discourse; anything with
sufficient coherence and persistence to be treated as an isolate
in discourse; anything capable of interpersonal reference;
anything graspable by the tongs of language. A system is then
seen as a formalization of a nominal entity by the specification
of a set of states of the entity. (George W. Zopf, Jr.in
Handout by Ashby, 1961)
URL= http://cleamc11.vub.ac.be/ASC/STATES.html