Cybernetics and Systems Societies
The following national and international societies and organizations are concerned with research related to cybernetics and systems science. A "*" denotes the organizations that are most central to the domain. Some of the addresses may no longer be up to date, though most material is fairly recent. Please send a note to Francis Heylighen or annotate this page if you would like to make an addition or correction.
* American Society for Cybernetics( old website) Address: American Society for Cybernetics,
c/o Center for Social and Organizational Learning,
Department of Management Science,
George Washington University,
Washington, DC 20052, USA. Tel: 202-994-5203
Fax: 202-994-5225
E-mail: ASC[at]
Address: Buenos Aires C.C. 33 1641 Acassuso, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Phone: 792 - 7160
Associacion Mexicana de Sistemas y Cybernetica, a.c.
Address: Dr. J.L. Elohim (President), Antonio Sola 45, Col. Condesa,
C.P. 06140, Mexico D.F.. (not up-to-date)
French systems science organization, replaces the old comittee "Systémique et cognition" of the defunct AFCET
Institut de la Méthode
Case postale, CH-2610 St-Imier, Switzerland Phone: +41 32 23 83 20 E-mail : afg [ at ]
Association for Cybernetics Address: Palais des Expositions,
Place André Rijckmans, B-5000 Namur , Belgium. Email:
Comment: has stopped its activities in 2000.
42, Via Pellegrino Rossi 20161-Milano (Italy)
tel./Fax: +39-02-66202417
e-mail: gianfranco.minati[ at ]
Australian Systems Thinking and Organisational Learning Group
Monash University, Melbourne.
Email: Jeff.McLean[ at ]
Behavioral Systems Science Organization Address: P.O.
Box 2051, Falls Church, Virginia 22042, USA.
BIRABelgian Institute for Automatic Control Address:
Jan van Rijswijcklaan 58 [oud adres], B-2018 Antwerpen,
Belgium. Phone: (03) 216 09 96
Address: Paul Pangaro, pan[ at ], 66 Slade Street, Belmont MA 02178, USA.
Phone: 617-489-9500
Address: Dr. Alan
Lesgold (secretary/treasurer), 516 Learning Research and Development
Center, University of Pittsburgh, 3939 O'Hara Street, Pittsburg PA 15260,
Address: Prof. R. Vallée , 156 Péreire, 75017 Paris, France. Phone: 00 33 -1- 42 67 93 12
Cybernetics Academy Odobleja Address: Cesar Buda, Via
Larga 11, I-20122 Milano, Italia.
* Deutsche Gesellschaft für Systemforschung e.V.
Address: DGSF, c/o Michaela Hammer, Burgstr. 6, D- 03046 Cottbus, Germany. Phone: 0355-3 16 16, Fax: 0355-3 16 26
Email: korn[ at ]
Address: Gerhard Dalenoort, Instituut voor Experimentele Psychologie,
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Postbus 14, NL- 9750 AA Haren, Nederland.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Fischer (director general),
c/o Institut fuer Textil- und Verfahrenstechnik,
Koerschtalstr. 26,
D-73770 Denkendorf, Germany
Phone:+49 - 711 - 93 40 238
Fax:+49 - 711 - 93 40 297
Greek Systems Society Address: Dr. Michael Decleris
(managing director), 82 Fokionis Negri Street, Athens 11361, Greece.
Address: Margo
Wilson, Dep. of Psychology, McMaster University, Hamilton, ONtario, L8S
4K1, Canada. Fax: (416) 529-622 25 Email:
Address: Am Huelsenbusch 54,
D-44803 Bochum,
Phone:0049 (0 23 02) 80 20 15
Andrew P. Sage, George Mason University, 440 University drive, Fairfax, VA
22030, USA.
Instituto Andino de Sistemas - IAS
Address: Ricardo Rodriguez-Ulloa
(President), P.O. Box 18-0680,
Lima 18, Peru
Telef/fax: +51-1-422-5681/966-6247
International Federation for Automatic Control
Address: Schlossplatz 12, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria.
* IFSR International Federation for Systems Research Address: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Chroust (secretary), International Federation for Systems research, c/o Systemtechnik und Automation, Kepler University Linz, A-4040 Linz, Austria. Email:
IFORS (International Federation for Operational Research
Societies) Address: Mrs. H. Welling (secretary), c/o IMSOR,
Building 321, Technical University, DK-2800 Lyngby,
Denmark. Phone: 45 - 42 - 88 22 22 ext. 4410
IIASAInternational Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Address: Schlossplatz 12, A-2361 Laxenburg, AUSTRIA.
Address: 14269 Lord Barclay Dr., Orlando Florida 32837, USA. Email:
Institute of cybernetics Address: IfK, Kleinenberger
Weg 16b, D-4790 Paderborn, Germany.
Instituto Mexicano de Sistemas Address: Javier
Marquez d. , Reforma 199 Piso 14 [old address], Col. Cuauhtemoc, Mexico
06500 D.F. Phone: FAX: 664-22-14
Internat. Research LaboratoryProgram Systems Institute of the
USSR Academy of Sciences Address: "BOTIC", 152140
Pereslavl-Zalessky, USSR.
Comments: about the most important association on systems theory; created in the 1950's as the "Society for General Systems Research (SGSR)"
Address: Dr. F. Ventriglia,
Istituto di Cibernetica, Via Toiano 6, 80072 - Arco Felice (NA),
Italy. Phone: (39-) 81-8534 138 Fax: (39-) 81-5267
654 Comments: An International
School on Neural Modelling and Neural Networks was organized under the
sponsorship of the Italian Group of Cybernetics and Biophysics of the CNR,
the Institute of Cybernetics of the CNR.
Address: Adolf-Lorenz-Gasse 2, A-3422 Altenberg Donau, Austria
Email: sec>br>
Comments: interdisciplinary research on evolutionary epistemology and evolutionary systems. Publishes the journal "Evolution and Cognition"
MCX -APC. Programme européen "Modélisation de la CompleXité" et Association pour la Pensée Complexe
* Oesterreiches Studiengesellschaft fuer Kybernetik(Austrian
Society for Cybernetics) Address: Prof. Robert Trappl
(President), Schottengasse 3, A-1010 Wien, Austria. Email:
Polskie Towarzystwo Cybernetyczne (Polish Cybernetical
Society) Address: Prof. Dr. W. Gasparski, Design Methodology
Unit, Dep. of Praxiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Nowy Swiat Str. 72,
00-330 Warsaw, Poland.
Address: 1120 Canyon Rd., Santa Fe
NM 87501, USA. Phone: (505) 984-8800 Fax:: (505) 982-0565
Comments: internationally famous interdisciplinary research center for the sciences of complexity
Address: Dr.
R. Rodriguez Delgado (vice-president), Dr. Gomez Ulla, 4, 28028 Madrid,
Swiss Systems Society
Address: Dr. K.A. Soudyn,
Katholieke Hogeschool Tilburg, Hogeschoollaan 225, Tilburg, Nederland.
President: Prof. Martin Smith
Secretary: Dr. John Chandler, 3 Willow Grove, Welwyn
Garden City, Herts AL8 7NA UK
Fax.:+44 8 7076 2 7076
Email: president AT
Address: Cathedral of St. John the
Divine, 1047 Amsterdam Ave. at 112th St., New york, NY
10025. Phone: 212 - 295 1930
Address: Prof. George E. Lasker, University
of Windsor, School of Computing Science, Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B
Address: Dr. Robbin R. Hough,
1142 North Main Street,
Rochester, MI 48307, USA
Phone: 248-651-0820
Email: or
Address: Judith Dennison, Cognitive Studies
Programme, Arts Building, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9QN, UK.
The Society of Management Science and Applied Cybernetics
(SMSAC) Address: Prof. Dr. A. Ghosal (secretary), O.R. Unit,
C.S.I.R. Complex, , N.P.L. Campus, New Delhi 110012, India.
The University of the World Address: 1055 Torrey
Pines Road, Suite 203, La Jolla CA 92037 USA. Phone: 619 - 456 01
03 Fax: 619 - 456 01 97 Email: MILLERJ@SDSC.BITNET (James Miller)
(part of the International Sociological Organization)
Comments: an active international group applying cybernetics and systems thinking to social systems in the broadest sense; has its own newsletter, journal, mailing list, and conferences; free membership is possible.
c/o AFCET, 156 Blvd. Péreire, F-75017 Paris, France.
Prof. Michael C. Jackson, Dean of the School of Computing and Information
Systems, University of Humberside, Hull HU6 7RT, United Kingdom.
WISINET* Executive Group of Worldwide International Systems
Institutions Network Address: Dr. Istvan Kiss (secretary), POB
446, Budapest , Hungary H-1536.
Address: Prof. Robert Vallée (president), 2 Rue de Vouillé,
F-75015 Paris, France. Phone: 532-727, 530-214
Copyright© 2005 Principia Cybernetica -
Referencing this page
F. Heylighen,
Aug 10, 2005 (modified) Sept. 1993 (created)