ECCO: Evolution, Complexity and Cognition
group, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).
Francis Heylighen;
ECCO, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).
Managing Editor:
Klaas Chielens; ECCO,
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).
Editorial Board:
- Robert
Aunger: London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine, United Kingdom. (evolutionary psychology, social
networks, social science methods).
- Gary
Boyd: Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
(Learning theory & memetics, Educational uses & value
of memetics points of view &c. Message design to produce
successfully contagfious memes & support enduring memeplexes,
Evaluation of memes & memeplexes: Aesthetics and memetics,
ethics of meme propagation, and Mathematical dynamic process
- Martin
de Jong: Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management,
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands.
- Derek
Gatherer: Institute of Virology, University of
Glasgow, Scotland. (social simulation, artificial life and
artificial societies, empirical memetics, machine learning,
evolution, bioinformatics.)
Yoshihisa Kashima: School of Behavioural Science , University of Melbourne, Australia.
- Natalio
Krasnogor: School of Computer Science and IT,
University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. (computational and
mathematical modelling, evolutionary computation, multi-agent
systems, natural computation, applications of memetics, software
- Paul
Marsden: Institute of Social Psychology, London
School of Economics, United Kingdom. (psychology of memetics,
copycat behavior, & 'memetic marketing').
- Stephen
Shennan: Institute of Archaeology and AHRB Centre
for the Evolution of Cultural Diversity, UCL, London. (Darwinian
archaeology, cultural transmission, cultural evolution, evolution
of social institutions, ethnicity).
- Hans-Cees
Speel: Department of Policy Analysis, Delft University
of Technology, The Netherlands.
- Mario
Vaneechoutte: Department of Microbiology, University
Hospital, Ghent, Belgium. (science, religion, evolution of
memes and genes, applied memetics,...)
- to be completed...
Advisory board